by cifuentesm | Sep 7, 2023
Programs Educational Talks Through the “Tejiendo Comunidades” program, we seek to strengthen the environment of families in the region, focusing on the importance of family as the central axis of child protection, through workshops created for children,...
by cifuentesm | Sep 7, 2023
Programs Nutritional Asessment With our nutritional assessment program, we set appointments for children in the region that help us to determine, through the experience of specialized doctors, what kind of food they need, if they have any hygiene problems, what they...
by cifuentesm | Aug 25, 2023
Programs School Reinforcement Through this program, we conduct recreational activities, reading sessions, and teach children about traditional games, all while promoting the importance of values and family cohesion. Our goal is to ensure their positive growth and,...
by cifuentesm | Aug 25, 2023
Programs Donations Periodically, we provide support to families in Caucasia who lack the financial means to acquire basic necessities. We donate hygiene products and essential foods, aimed at supplying households and providing them access to the resources they need...
by cifuentesm | Aug 24, 2023
Programs Housing Program A significant number of families in Caucasia lack decent housing that would enable the children of the region to grow up in a healthy environment. At the same time, significant economic difficulties turn this basic right of having a roof over...