
Strategies for Teaching Math to Children

Strategies for Teaching Math to Children

Teaching math can be challenging for both educators and parents, especially when it comes to capturing children's interest and understanding. However, with the right strategies, it is possible to make math accessible, fun, and meaningful. Here are some strategies for...

How to Create Habits in Children

How to Create Habits in Children

Creating good habits in children is essential for their overall development and long-term well-being. Habits formed in childhood influence a person's physical, emotional, and social health throughout their life. Here are some tips to address the question: How to...

We Have Completed the Projects in Caucasia Institutions!

We Have Completed the Projects in Caucasia Institutions!

With great happiness, excitement, and nostalgia, we want to announce that we have completed the projects in the Institutions of Caucasia. This project aimed to renovate general painting areas, bathrooms, and sports facilities to create a more conducive environment for...

Movies of 2024 That Will Leave a Positive Message for Children!

Movies of 2024 That Will Leave a Positive Message for Children!

In the world of children's cinema, movies not only entertain but also have the power to teach valuable lessons and leave lasting messages in young minds. One of the most anticipated films of 2024 that promises to meet these objectives is "Inside Out 2". This Pixar...

For a World Free of Aggression

For a World Free of Aggression

June 4 marks the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression, a date established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1982 to acknowledge the pain suffered by children worldwide who are victims of physical, mental, and emotional abuse. Let’s...

Signs That a Child Is Happy

Signs That a Child Is Happy

La felicidad de un niño es un indicador crucial de su bienestar emocional y de su desarrollo saludable. Si bien a veces puede resultar difícil determinar cómo se siente realmente un niño, existen señales claras que pueden indicar su felicidad. Reconocer estas señales...

5 Keys to Caring for Children’s Mental Health

5 Keys to Caring for Children’s Mental Health

The mental health of children is fundamental to their overall well-being and proper development. It is the responsibility of adults to provide a safe and supportive environment that promotes positive mental health from an early age. 5 keys to caring for children's...

Myths About Autism

Myths About Autism

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects millions of people worldwide. However, despite the growing awareness about autism, numerous myths persist surrounding this condition. Today, we bring you the most common myths about autism: People with autism are...

We create optimal study spaces!

We create optimal study spaces!

La Misericordia School is in the midst of an exciting renovation, driven by the vision and commitment of the Foundation for Educational Development. These improvements have been designed to create optimal educational environments that inspire students to reach new...

The importance of inclusion

The importance of inclusion

Inclusion is a fundamental principle that drives the social fabric of any community. It goes beyond mere tolerance and embraces diversity in all its forms: racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual orientation, age, and more. By focusing on inclusion, a society...

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and change the life of children in Colombia